From: "$postmastername" <$localpostmaster> To: $to Subject: {Spam not delivered} $subject X-%org-name%-MailScanner: generated Our UCE (spam) detectors have been triggered by a message you received:- From: $from Subject: $subject Date: $date This message has not been delivered. The detectors that were triggered are $spamreport. The message to you has been detected as spam based on either its contents or the mail server which sent the message to us, or both. We do not accept unsolicited commercial (spam) e-mail and actively work to stop it. If you have any questions about this, or you believe you have received this message in error, please contact the site system administrators. Your system administrators will need the following information: Server name: $hostname Message id: $id Date code: $datenumber -- MailScanner Email Virus Scanner %org-long-name% %web-site%