# Roadmap ## Functionality For a given Mastodon user, periodically request the list of followed and followers including number of each and the user ## Authentication A Mastodon user uses the app to specify a Mastodon handle and server. On request, the user authorises the app, returning the user to app which then starts to process data, creating the starting point. ## Data Objects for a user * Followers: a record of each follower including address (@handle@server), full name, and date of follow (addition?) and unfollow (if any). * Posts: a record of each post including id, timestamp, and (sanitised?) content * Boosts: a record of each boost, user, post id, number users followers * Likes: a record of each like, user, post id * Mentions: a record of each mention including post ID ### Derived Data * current number of followers * servers with followers * new followers in past period (hour, day, week) * lost followers in past period (hour, day, week) * most boosted post * most liked post * post seen by most people (boosts * number of followers of each booster) ## Development Technologies My goal with this app is to exercise some technologies I've long wanted to get experience with: - Svelte - SvelteKit - PostgREST (PostgreSQL + a REST framework)