# RightTree

Right Plant Right Place Right Time implementation using React and Django.
## Initial Setup

Before running the applications please ensure the following prerequisites have been met.
#### Software
Most applications in this repository are built using Docker which resolves many dependencies but you will require a local installation of `git`, `docker` and `docker-compose`.

$ sudo apt install git docker-compose

To install `docker`, follow the [official installation documentation](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/). [Instructions are also available for `docker-compose`](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/).

In order to recieve address data while running in development mode you will need to set an environment variable containing a valid linz data service api key. Such a key can be retrieved by signing up to https://data.linz.govt.nz/. One way of setting the variable is exporting it in the same terminal window that you will run the application. To do this please run the following command:


You may also need to give the `dev` script executable permissions using the following command:

chmod +x ./dev

### Add shapefiles for database population

Please unzip and add the following shapefiles to the `./backend/right_tree/api/data/resources` directory. It should include all the files required by the shapefile and use naming conventions as follows:

**Ecological Districts Shapefile:**
- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.cpg
- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.dbf
- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.prj
- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.sbn
- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.sbx
- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.shp
- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.shp.xml
- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.shx

**Ecological Districts Shapefile:**
- fundamental-soil-layers-new-zealand-soil-classification.cpg
- fundamental-soil-layers-new-zealand-soil-classification.dbf
- fundamental-soil-layers-new-zealand-soil-classification.prj
- fundamental-soil-layers-new-zealand-soil-classification.shp
- fundamental-soil-layers-new-zealand-soil-classification.shx
- fundamental-soil-layers-new-zealand-soil-classification.xml
### Add spreadsheet data for database population

The plant spreadsheet should be renamed as `plant_data.xlsx` and placed in the `./backend/right_tree/api/data/resources` directory. 
## Running application for development
### Initial build

Builds the Django backend docker image. This may need to be re-run if any new dependencies are added.
./dev build

### Initialise database

Creates `right_tree` database and installs `postgis` extensions.

./dev init_database

### Run web application

Starts up the applications including the frontend, backend and database.

./dev start

Once running the components can be accessed as follows:

| Application | Hosted |
| --- | --- |
| React Frontend | http://localhost:3000 |
| Django Backend | http://localhost:8000 |
| Database | postgis://localhost:5432 |

## Available commands

Other commands can be run using the following. 
./dev <command>

A summary of available commands are outlined below. Note that if the command requires the application to be running (`Requires Run`) please execute `./dev start` in another terminal before running that command.

| Command | Description | Requires Run |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `create_database` | Removes the existing database and data. Then it creates the `right_tree` database within a fresh postgis database instance. | No
| `makemigrations` | Performs the django `makemigrations` command in the backend container. | Yes 
| `migrate` | Performs the django `migrate` command in the backend container. | Yes
| `createsuperuser` | Performs the django `createsuperuser` command in the backend container. | Yes
| `load_fixtures` | Performs the django `loaddata` command in the backend container. This loads all the fixtures found in the `/backend/right_tree/api/data/fixtures` directory. | Yes
| `load_shapefiles` | Performs the custom `loadshapefiles` command in the backend container. This loads the ecological districts and soil layers shape files in `c`. | Yes
| `create_plant_fixtures` | Performs the custom `createplantfixtures` command in the backend container. This loads the plant spreadsheet data from `/backend/right_tree/api/data/resources/plant_data.xlsx`. Requires the fixtures to be applied and shapefiles loaded. | Yes
| `reset_plants` | Performs the custom `resetplants` command in the backend container. This removes all plant entries from the database. | Yes
| `load_plant_fixtures` | Loads the `/backend/right_tree/api/data/fixtures/plants.json` fixture. Requires the `plants.json` file to be created (`./dev create_plant_fixtures`) and the plant table to be empty (`./dev reset_plants`). | Yes
| `load_plants` | Creates plants fixtures and loads them into a fresh plant table in the database. Requires the fixtures to be applied and shapefiles loaded. | Yes
| `load_sites_from_spreadsheet` | Loads site spreadsheet data the database initially (replaced with fixtures containing further information) | Yes
| `populate_database` | Populates the `right_tree` database with base data (fixtures), provided shapefiles and plant spreadsheet data. Requires the database to be created. | No
| `init_database` | Creates and populates the database | No
| `reset_database` | Removes, recreates and populates the database | No
| `build` | Builds required images | No
| `start` | Runs all services including the frontend, backend and postgres database | No