Right Plant Right Place Right Time implementation using React and Django: https://rightplant.biospherecapital.com/ Exported from gitlab.catalyst.net.nz on 2024-12-18
Find a file
2021-12-09 07:47:54 +13:00
backend Update zone ingestion and fixtures 2021-12-09 07:47:54 +13:00
frontend Display additional region information on summary step 2021-12-08 03:35:11 +00:00
.gitignore Misc fixes 2021-11-18 11:21:18 +13:00
create_database.sql Refactor database name from right_tree to righttree 2021-11-25 20:00:02 +00:00
default.env Production config fixes 2021-11-25 20:00:02 +00:00
dev Add certificate config and docs 2021-11-29 10:16:24 +13:00
docker-compose.production.yaml Add certificate config and docs 2021-11-29 10:16:24 +13:00
docker-compose.yaml Fix development nginx setup 2021-12-01 09:39:45 +13:00
nginx.conf Fix development nginx setup 2021-12-01 09:39:45 +13:00
nginx.production.conf Add certificate config and docs 2021-11-29 10:16:24 +13:00
README.md Add Christchurch Zone model and shapefile ingestion 2021-12-08 03:35:11 +00:00


Right Plant Right Place Right Time implementation using React and Django.

Initial Setup

Before running the applications please ensure the following prerequisites have been met.


Most applications in this repository are built using Docker which resolves many dependencies but you will require a local installation of git, docker and docker-compose.

$ sudo apt install git docker-compose

To install docker, follow the official installation documentation. Instructions are also available for docker-compose.

In order to recieve address data while running in development mode you will need to set an environment variable containing a valid linz data service api key. Such a key can be retrieved by signing up to https://data.linz.govt.nz/. One way of setting the variable is exporting it in the same terminal window that you will run the application. To do this please create a .env file in the root directory using default.env as an example. Fill in values as appropriate.

You may also need to give the dev script executable permissions using the following command:

chmod +x ./dev

Add shapefiles for database population

Please unzip and add the following shapefiles to the ./backend/right_tree/api/data/resources directory. It should include all the files required by the shapefile and use naming conventions as follows:

Ecological Districts Shapefile:

- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.cpg
- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.dbf
- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.prj
- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.sbn
- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.sbx
- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.shp
- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.shp.xml
- DOC_EcologicalDistricts_2021_08_02.shx

Ecological Districts Shapefile:

- fundamental-soil-layers-new-zealand-soil-classification.cpg
- fundamental-soil-layers-new-zealand-soil-classification.dbf
- fundamental-soil-layers-new-zealand-soil-classification.prj
- fundamental-soil-layers-new-zealand-soil-classification.shp
- fundamental-soil-layers-new-zealand-soil-classification.shx
- fundamental-soil-layers-new-zealand-soil-classification.xml

Christchurch Zone Shapefile:

- Greater_Christchurch_Area.cpg  
- Greater_Christchurch_Area.shp
- Greater_Christchurch_Area.dbf  
- Greater_Christchurch_Area.shx
- Greater_Christchurch_Area.prj

Add spreadsheet data for database population

The plant spreadsheet should be renamed as plant_data.xlsx and placed in the ./backend/right_tree/api/data/resources directory.

Running application for development

Initial build

Builds the Django backend docker image. This may need to be re-run if any new dependencies are added.

./dev build

Initialise database

Creates right_tree database and installs postgis extensions.

./dev init_database

Run web application

Starts up the applications including the frontend, backend and database.

./dev start

Once running the components can be accessed as follows:

Application Hosted
React Frontend http://localhost:3000
Django Backend http://localhost:8000
Database postgis://localhost:5432

Available commands

Other commands can be run using the following.

./dev <command>

A summary of available commands are outlined below. Note that if the command requires the application to be running (Requires Run) please execute ./dev start in another terminal before running that command.

Command Description Requires Run
create_database Removes the existing database and data. Then it creates the right_tree database within a fresh postgis database instance. No
makemigrations Performs the django makemigrations command in the backend container. Yes
migrate Performs the django migrate command in the backend container. Yes
createsuperuser Performs the django createsuperuser command in the backend container. Yes
load_fixtures Performs the django loaddata command in the backend container. This loads all the fixtures found in the /backend/right_tree/api/data/fixtures directory. Yes
load_shapefiles Performs the custom loadshapefiles command in the backend container. This loads the ecological districts and soil layers shape files in c. Yes
create_plant_fixtures Performs the custom createplantfixtures command in the backend container. This loads the plant spreadsheet data from /backend/right_tree/api/data/resources/plant_data.xlsx. Requires the fixtures to be applied and shapefiles loaded. Yes
reset_plants Performs the custom resetplants command in the backend container. This removes all plant entries from the database. Yes
load_plant_fixtures Loads the /backend/right_tree/api/data/fixtures/plants.json fixture. Requires the plants.json file to be created (./dev create_plant_fixtures) and the plant table to be empty (./dev reset_plants). Yes
load_plants Creates plants fixtures and loads them into a fresh plant table in the database. Requires the fixtures to be applied and shapefiles loaded. Yes
load_sites_from_spreadsheet Loads site spreadsheet data the database initially (replaced with fixtures containing further information) Yes
populate_database Populates the right_tree database with base data (fixtures), provided shapefiles and plant spreadsheet data. Requires the database to be created. No
init_database Creates and populates the database No
reset_database Removes, recreates and populates the database No
build Builds required images No
start Runs all services including the frontend, backend and postgres database No
build Builds required images (frontend and backend) for production No
start Runs all services in production mode including the frontend, backend and postgres database No

Setting up and running the application for production

  1. Ensure the prerequisites are met as defined in [#Initial Setup]
  2. Create an .env file (if not done prior) in the root directory using default.env as an example. Uncomment values relating to production and fill in the values as appropriate.
  3. Build backend image sudo ./dev build_production
  4. Create the database sudo ./dev create_database
  5. Manually create postgres user with password and add the user to the righttree database with all permissions.

Create an interactive terminal into the postgres container

sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yaml up postgres
sudo docker exec -it postgres bash

Within the interactive terminal. Connect to the database, add the righttree_admin user and give permissions. Please use the same credentials as defined in .env.

psql -U postgres
/c righttree
CREATE USER righttree_admin;
ALTER USER righttree_admin with encrypted password 'YOUR PASSWORD';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE righttree TO  righttree_admin;
  1. Populate the database using sudo ./dev populate_database
  2. Build optimised frontend build and collect together staticfiles sudo ./dev create_staticfiles
  3. Create a django superuser for access to the admin interface. Please use the same credentials as defined in .env sudo ./dev createsuperuser
  4. Run the production application using sudo ./dev start_production

Setting up certificates

Create certificate using certbot and letsencrypt, choose option 1 and provide an appropriate email. Ensure port 80 and 443 are externally exposed for the domain before running this command. To retrieve a staging certificate, use the --test-cert flag.

sudo docker run -i --rm --name certbot -p 443:443 -p 80:80 -v /etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt/ certbot/certbot certonly -d [YOUR DOMAIN] --logs-dir /etc/letsencrypt/logs